Thursday, November 25, 2010

thankful stuff

hope ya'll enjoyed your TURKEY and stuffing and everything else while I had two HAM sandwiches!
Turkey, like other things, is like gold down here. I could have paid 25 bucks to have a small
"thanksgiving meal" at an upscale restaurant but opted not to. There's just ham in Costa can get ground beef....roast beef is really rare and expensive like turkey. pumpkin pie? ha, forget about it. cranberries...maybe...though a bottle of cranberry juice is 16 bucks at the grocery store. so be thankful for having thanksgiving food!

stuff I'm thankful for:

the winter clothes I brought for no reason. when I first got down here, I was like "well that was dumb, i loaded up my backpack with 2 flannel shirts and a sweat, why did I do that?" but now,
since I HAVE NO SHEETS and there is nowhere that sells them withing a 20 mile radius, I use my winter clothes as sheets.

You may think if it's so hot why would you need sheets? well you just do. Try sleeping without a blanket sometime...pretty difficult. Plus it does get cool some nights, around 68 degrees. Not as as cool as the Caribbean but cool enough to need a blanket.

Raid(the bug spray). Cockroaches and ants are in no danger of being extinct so I don't really care how many I kill. Both of my apartments were infested when I first moved in, but thanks to a healthy dose of Raid, are now insect free. Raid is plentiful and cheap down here(thank you GOD!)

THE INTERNET. most important thing on this list. I would be totally isolated and bored without it. Keeps me in touch with friends and family via email, skype and facebook as well as this blog.

My Laptop. There are internet cafes with computers but they are expensive so thankfully I have a laptop and WiFI is everywhere. I can watch cowboys and mavericks games, play DVD's. Again thanks to my sister Amy for graciously donating it to me. Since I lost my iPhone I don't know what I would do without the laptop.

Air Conditioning. Yeah I learned to live without it for two weeks in the jungle but once you have it realize how much you missed it. Being covered in a constant inch thick layer of sweat will keep you cool but will definitely make you and your clothes stink, forcing you to take more cold showers. makes other people stink and they really dont care. On the Caribbean everyone had dreadlocks anyway....if you're not washing your hair why was your body?

my family and friends who have been great keeping in contact with me down here. It's not always easy traveling solo, since friends come and go as quick as the weather changes in Texas. Some friends from home were really interested when I first got down here, yet seem to have forgotten about me since. for those that haven't, thanks! You're more than welcome to a spot on my futon in my cabina only a 5 minute walk from the beach!
special shoutouts to the Mahaffey family, my mother and father, sister Amy, cousins Kim n Katie, Uncle David, Maria Valdez, and Jewel Jefferies any anyone else I forgot to mention for reading my blog daily.

Last and not least, the warm weather and beautiful beach. Who else went surfing on thanksgiving?
Many people here don't even know what Thanksgiving is or care to know, but I wished them a happy one anyway.

Something I am not thankful AdSense disabling my account. That's why you are not seeing any ads. I violated the terms and violations by asking for clicks, so there goes my $300 dollars in earnings for the month of November. That money was to be directly deposited into my bank account in December, so I'm pretty down about having lost all that.
I filed an appeal, but google is not known to overturn their decision. Soon I'll have ads from a new sponsor up, but won't be seeing any of that money for at least 60 days. Until then, if you're feeling thankful for the info I've provided or in the Christmas spirit, there is a PayPal link at the end of this blog for any donations. I really don't expect anyone to do this but it doesn't hurt to have it there....30 peeps giving 10 bucks each and I'd have that money back.

This blog has been a success, already 1,162 views coming from multiple countries:

United States
Costa Rica

Thank you so much for your support!


  1. I can't believe bug spray made it on the list before people!! Haha although if I was any where cockroach infested bug spray would quite possibly be my most treasures possession as well.
    I'm glad the laptop has been so useful to you :) it makes me happy to know you've enjoyed it so much.
    It's so weird learning what things just happened to be commodities down there, like sheets and cranberry juice? Who would have ever expected juice to be so expensive!?
    We spent today at Jenn and Adams watching the game then Kung Fu Panda! You should be happy to know people always ask about you and love hearing how you're doing on your adventure.
    I know I've said it before but I really am proud of you for being so brave and embarking on this journey.
    Love you brother.

  2. It's fun to be able to see that your blog is being read by people all over the world. You really are providing lots of interesting information about life in Costa Rica.
    So sorry that the Google ads didn't work out; we do appreciate all the people who tried to help you with that.
    We can have a Thanksgiving dinner in your honor when you come back, no matter what month it is!

  3. sorry about the google ads thing,that really sucks!! at least it seems like your a bit better off than earlier,w/the ac and all! thanx for the shout out ! keep it up!
