Tuesday, November 2, 2010

more rain

rained hard all night and now it's just a light mist. the rainy season is definitely still here. I hope the sun shows its face again soon. I wouldn't mind the rain so much if the waves were bigger! at the moment they're still pretty small, even for a beginner like me.
Today I ate lunch at a pretty decent Tex-Mex place called Gil's Place. It was MUCH better than some other restaurant's attempts at "Tex-Mex"(definitely better than the one run by two Californians in Puerto Viejo). I got a quesadilla loaded with chicken and cheese that came with sides of pico de gallo, gaucomole and salsa.
They also have huge burritos. It's the closing thing I've found here to Qdoba so I'm happy about that.
Still the restaurants are more expensive in this tourism town and I plan on going to the grocery store tomorrow to stock up on sandwich stuff to save some money.

Above Gil's is the only gym in town. I worked out there yesterday for the first time and really liked it, it has every cardio or cable machine you need plus free weights and a bench press, both incline and flat. Only 5 bucks for one workout. Felt good to lift some weight that wasn't my backpack.

I always thought the Italian word "ciao" was only used by women and yuppies but its really a universal way to say goodbye. The Europeans, Canadians, Costa Ricans, Americans all use it down here.

1 comment:

  1. If it's any consolation, it's raining here too. And props for finding a place close to Qdoba, that's a must!
    Ciao brother!
