Tuesday, November 16, 2010

bright moon on a clear night

Believe it or not, tonight was the first night I walked on the beach out of three weeks. I've always been somewhere else at night. After drinking a few Imperials at the old Blue Trailz hostel with some old friends and new faces, I decided to take a slight detour on my way back home and walk across the beach.
The sky was completely clear. This is not always the case, as there is usually some cloud coverage or something blocking the view of the stars. Not tonight.
The stars shined bright even with the moon's ultra bright glow. I'd guess it's about a quarter away from a full moon.
I could see as far out into the ocean to spot the anchored boats, small island, and mountains that surround the bay, all of which are hundreds of meters away.

Amazing how high the tide comes in late at night. Almost all the way up to the buildings on the shore. During the day, and at low tide, the waves only come in at least 100 meters away.
It was so bright out tonight, you could probably have surfed if you wanted.

The rest of the walk was not so peaceful and serene. A walk that took 20 minutes and ended with a long climb uphill. I think I may have misjudged the walking distance since the first times I came here were on a bike. Pedaling a good pace takes about 5 minutes.
It's clear I will have to succumb to buying a bike, as much as I don't want to. They're a luxury here and costs just as much as they do back home. A new Costa Rican brand bike will set you back 125 dollars. It works but isn't the greatest quality. A used Trek will run you at least $200.

There's always the option to take a taxi, but most will charge you 2,000 colones(4 dollars) to anywhere in town. I know now you can get a ride for 1,000 colones (2 bucks) , depending on the driver. Some will accept this, others won't budge.
The group of drivers playing cards tonight nearby the hostel decided to pass on my offer of two bucks. That's fine, I'd rather walk. It's really not far enough to pay four bucks.

I met a Norwegian girl named something I can't remember, Luisa I think, on my walk back. The roads are dark but there are guards patrolling condos on every corner.
She is here staying at one of the Spanish schools to learn the language. Her English was very good, as is most Norwegians. Funny they seem to speak the best English out of all non-English speaking countries. They tell me they grow up watching TV in English, movies, and learning it in school. Good for them. Some Canadians from Quebec can't even speak it as well.

I don't have much room to talk, however. My Spanish is very weak. I can understand more than I can speak, surprisingly. Usually more than my European friends(there are exceptions, I've met a few that are fluent in Spanish, English, and whatever country they're from). They look to me sometimes to ask what a local said. I guess I know some basics from growing up in Texas.
Keep in mind though, the Costa Ricans speak slower and with better known words when talking to a foreigner.
I just know the numbers and a few very basic phrases.
Some locals shake their head at my attempts to speak their language, especially when they speak mine. I've now gotten to know several here, they recognize me finally.
They know I'm here for awhile. They know I don't want to buy any marijuana or cigars or take surfing lessons, finally, after saying "no, gracias" a hundred times.
Having a sense of fitting in, albeit slight, provides a bit of comfort and familiarity.

There's a pic of Playa Tamarindo to the right, the river mouth on the left. After you cross the river mouth, you can walk along a mountain to get to Playa Grande.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! The beach area looks absolutely gorgeous; I can see why you love it. Just please be careful walking alone at night even though the locals are getting used to seeing you. And work on your Spanish! There's no easier way to learn a new language than when you're immersed in it. And when you have questions, you have native speakers who can answer them for you. You should be a fluent Spanish speaker in a few months! It'll come more easily than you think.
