Tuesday, November 9, 2010

new place in tamarindo

with the high season right around the corner, many cabinas were already getting reserved. I decided today that I should start looking around for a long term apartment before all the good ones were taken.
It didn't take long, which is unusual for me since I have a tendency to research and contemplate every last detail for a long time before making a decision.

The name of the complex is 'El Labrador' like the dog. The perimeter is fenced and the gate at the entrance locks at night. You can see the craigslist ad here or visit their website. My floor plan is a little different than the one in the picture. Instead of one large room it's separated into a living and bedroom. Unlike my last apartment in Puerto Viejo, the kitchen table is not included. WiFi, cable tv, water, electricity, a bed, and a futon are however. It's smaller than my last but is more than enough. The entrance has a large tile patio with two posts with hooks that I plan to put a hammock on.
It's weird to think back about apartment shopping in Fort Worth. What was considered a "small" apartment there would be massive here. It's really more than we need...but we Americans, Texans especially, like our stuff BIG.

The price is 325 a month and that includes everything. The craigslist ad says 300 but that was for the apartments upstairs that don't have a/c, all have already been booked though. It was 350 originally for the one I wanted, but before I paid him the deposit I asked if I could inspect everything, and I'm glad I did because we found out the hot water heater had been stolen by the last tenant. The TV also didn't work. So he said he'll replace the TV and reduce the rate 25 bucks a month for no hot water. Hot water would have REALLY been nice but I can live without it and have been for the last month. It's easy, just don't shower.
Another thing missing was a fridge. All the other cabinas had one. He said he'll move one from upstairs into my room. There's also a little shack in the corner of the big lawn with a washer and dryer for residents to use.

Feel free to come visit me anytime. You know you want to come here. The futon is comfy. The beach is only a 5 minute walk. I think I may be having my first visitor in December....exciting stuff. I'll keep you updated.
I'll have a physical address for mail soon. I think it goes something like this:
Santa Teresa, Guanacaste, Playa Tamarindo, El Labrador, 50 meters south of something spanish, cabina #5. Costa Rica should probably be in there somewhere.

I've appreciated all the positive comments, it keeps me motivated to write even when I'm exhausted from surfing and riding a bike around all day. I've looked at some other travel blogs recently, and I do think some focus on material things and not so much the atmosphere or culture. My goal in writing this is to bring you the images I see and what I feel about Costa Rica as best I can.
Just for fun, here's an example of a travel blog I think lacks any real substance. It's written by Gina Miller, sports anchor for the Dallas Mavericks and channel 21. We're friends on facebook so I hope she doesn't see this!
Her blog is appropriately titled "Jewels and Jets". If you are into lavish hotels, shopping, and designer chocolate, check it out.

I know in my last blog I mentioned this one would be about the interesting swimwear here in Costa Rica.
Sorry, I got off track and decided to dedicate this entry to my new little place in Tamarindo.
I promise to get into revealing swimsuits and other Costa Rican debauchery soon.


  1. Yay! Comments finally work again, but only if I open it in Safari and not Firefox. That's exciting that you found a new place so quickly. I like your solution to the no hot water- just don't shower. Haha the ocean can only do so much! Let us know whenever you know your personal address for sure so we can mail you stuff.
    It sounds like you're really doing great there Jeff. I'm really happy that it's been such a positive thing for you.
    Love you brother.

  2. U make me laugh on a daily basis Jeff lol


  3. I'm actually planning on moving down to Tamarindo and looking at these apartments as an option. Would you recommend them? Thanks!

  4. @David. Yes I definitely would recommend El Labrador to anyone! Safe, clean, and convenient to town. There are several others around the area, so I would make sure to check those out as well to find which one is right for you and your budget.
