Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1st

I've decided to just create a blog instead of making a bunch of facebook status updates.
Hopefully I'll have a camera soon and can put up some pictures.
I arrived in Tamarindo a few days ago, and been enjoying it so far. The beaches are much bigger and wider, I like that. The carribean side has beautiful beaches but they are very steep and they build very close to the shore.

Yesterday was the first day since i've been in Costa Rica it was sunny the entire day. Today it's been cloudy and rainy. The "dry" season doesnt begin for at least two more weeks.

I'm staying in a little 8 dollar a night hostel with 6 beds to a room. Also has a little kitchen and bathroom in each room. The A/C works very well, too well, I woke up last night shivering.
Having AC is good and bad. Its a nice luxury but you feel hotter and sweat more outside.
When I was staying in the Carribean, I gradually got to the point where I was fine without it and barely sweat at all. It's amazing what your body can adjust to. The first couple of days I was drenched in sweat from head to toe. Extremely humid down there.

My dorm mates are a French Canadian guy and a German girl. Only the french guy sleeps here, I have no idea where the German girl runs off to at night. They are both very friendly.

There were 3 French women and 1 old guy from colorado staying in the other room but they all left today, the girls as a group and the old guy is just traveling solo. The first day I was put in the room alone with him, and I couldn't stand it, so I decided to leave at midnight but the French guy(I know his name i just forgot it) told me he wouldnt mind if I moved to the other room.
I have nothing against old people, but this guy was so foul smelling, anytime I needed something I ran in and ran out, one of the worst smells Ive ever smelt. He also slept all the time and snored, plus had all his medicine everywhere. Sorry, but I'd rather not feel like I'm living in a nursing home. There was no way I could have slept in that room.

i tried surfing the other day and was able to get up for a few seconds several times. I was having fun but had to quit from the surfboard rubbing raw the skin on my chest. The waves still arent that big yet.

Ill be adding to this daily. Ill also put up some entries about the time I spent in Puerto Viejo later.
Looking forward to the rangers game tonight.

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