Wednesday, November 3, 2010

don't flush the toilet paper por favor

In Costa Rica there are signs in every bathroom asking you to please not flush toilet paper. The first night I stayed in San Jose I thought maybe it was just at this one hostel, but no it's the whole country. Why? First, the toilets arent that strong to begin with and look poorly built. Second, they decided to use the smaller 2 inch inch pipes instead of the 4 inch pipes that we use in the states. This is a good example of the Costa Rican thought process. It works this way, always has, no need to change and pay more.
So you are supposed to throw used toilet paper in little trash cans on the side. I thought this was extremely disgusting at first, and still do really, but I guess like anything you get used to it. I find using a two flush process gets the job done(so far).

The water in the showers is cold. Ive gotten used to it, hard at first though, I just stood outside the water and put what ever body part I needed to wash in the stream.

The Pacific waters here are warm, not Caribbean warm but much warmer than California I'd imagine.

The light switches are round, smooth and horizontal.

Costa Rican cuisine is nothing special, no one comes here for the food believe me. A standard Costa Rican dish is black beans, rice, and chicken with some plantain on the side.
Plantain is like a banana but bigger, firmer, greener and usually cooked(fried here) instead of eaten raw.
It's served with most dishes and sometimes comes with a side of sour cream or bean dip.
Its not bad....taste like a french fry and banana hybrid. Looks like one too.

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