Thursday, November 18, 2010

bedding, pots and pans

Are like gold here. There is no place to buy them close to me. The closest place is a big supermarket on the outskirts of town. I'm going to have to pay a cab like 20 bucks to get there and back but I have no choice.

My bed has no sheets. Right now I'm using a large bathroom towel I bought in Puerto Viejo. It works but I haven't been getting the best sleep. There are two well worn pillows furnished by the complex. They don't smell the freshest but I didn't come here expecting luxury. I have not seen box springs since I've been down here. The mattresses are very thin and firm. Some so thin I can feel the bed frame on the other side.
Fortunately the one at my new place is the thickest I've slept on since being here.

I have plates, cups, and silverware but no pots or pans to cook. I'd really love to get started cooking so I can save money and not have to go out for every meal. I have no idea what pots and pans costs here. Some things are unusually expensive here.

My fridge is very nice...even has a good sized freezer at the top, but as of now only has milk and orange juice.

Sorry for the boring entry but there's not much else to report on today. Still looking for work.
Thanks again for the ad click support. I made 33 dollars yesterday. I'm now over the 100 dollar threshold required for payment. I should receive the first deposit at the end of December.

By then I'll either have found another source of income, returned home, or living under a palm tree spending my days begging tourists on the street for money, coconuts, or food scraps.


  1. Whoa ... don't get discouraged! You've said that the busy tourist season is coming up soon; I bet you'll find a job then.
    Also, try to share a cab with someone to save money when you have to go into town. Ask some locals where you can buy reasonably-priced household items. Where's a Goodwill store when you need it??

  2. That's right, what Momma said! It's not time to give up yet. If you evvvver send me your address, maybe we can look into sending things to you. If sheets are expensive down there, don't buy them! We can obviously buy some for cheap here and mail them if shipping isn't absurd.
    I'm click-clicking away on these ads, yes I even clicked the Hot Costa Rican Wife... pretty ladies?
    Everything will come together in time. You've been doing great down there and it has been wonderful being able to follow along with your daily updates. Keep your chin up and get out in the sun :)
