Sunday, November 14, 2010

cowboys won a game

and I was happy to see that. I was so sick of Wade Phillips and all those ugly faces he made when the team made a stupid mistake. Randy Galloway said "His face looks like someone just told him Luby's ran out of meatloaf." 
Obviously this team rallied around Garrett and decided to play this week and beat a very good Giants team at their own place. The game was really bizarre wasn't it? Lights going out, weird turnovers, strange stats and calls.
Very entertaining stuff and I'm lovin me some Dez. Kitna is such an upgrade over Brad Johnson. He was making throws today right on the money.

That's about all I did today. Not much to report on. It was beautiful out again today, hotter than normal but great beach weather, so I hung out there til the Cowboys game. I debated whether or not to enjoy the beach or watch the Cowboys lose, but was curious about seeing how the team responded to Phillips departure and Garrett's promotion. I was pleasantly surprised. 

Nothing else to report on really. I had some tuna fish pizza for dinner. It was actually really good. I found this little place with 9 inch personal pizzas for 4 bucks, and been going there a lot lately with people from the hostel. 
It's a much better deal than the tiny personal pizzas from pizza hut that are more than 8 bucks. One of the guys that worked there picked up a massive grasshopper and shook it by the legs. Apparently that makes them flap their wings and he just held it there as it flew in place like a wind up toy. A very scary toy. I have yet to see anyone smush one of those things but I can't imagine its a pretty sight. The grasshoppers have a tendency to end up where they're not wanted, like a girls bathroom or in a kitchen. The locals just pick them up gently and release them elsewhere.

I move into my apartment tomorrow and it couldn't come at a better time. I'm ready for some privacy and room to spread out. I will miss meeting people at the hostel but I'm sure they'll still let me come hang around. 
There's a yoga group that's been staying here. They're very "New Age" like. They hum and listen to weird music. They're overlyfriendly and happy. They wake up at 6 to do yoga and are very noisy before they get started. There's only one guy in the group and I think he's hooking up with the teacher. They're sitting right next to me right now and he's stroking her hair as she rubs his back. She just said "you're my gift" to him. So corny and gross. I will not miss them. 

1 comment:

  1. Even though I like tuna and I like pizza, tuna fish pizza just sounds gross! Glad you liked it, though.
