Monday, November 8, 2010

soft drinks and food

soft drinks are made with real sugar and not with high fructose corn syrup here. It makes all the difference in taste. More refreshing, more flavor, doesn't make your mouth feel as sticky and has a better aftertaste.
I rarely drank soft drinks in Texas. Maybe a fanta strawberry or orange, BIG RED, fresca, or root beer on a special occasion. But here I drink them like water. They're so delicious.
Fresca and Fanta are everywhere so I'm trying to cut back. Only a dollar for a bottle.

There's a local soda I go to everyday. A soda is like an open air fast food restaurant but they actually cook it for you after you order in a little kitchen and it's healthier. They're all over costa rica but almost none where I am since it's so developed, more little bistros and pizzerias instead. 2,000 colones(4 bucks) gets you a plate with either bisteca, pollo, chuletas, or pescado with white rice, black beans, a little salad some unknown juice dressing, and two slices of plantain. Typical Costa Rican meal but with more flavor. The portions are big for Costa Rica too, enough to satisfy me, which says a lot if you know me. The Europeans are fascinated by how fast I eat and wonder if it's a cultural thing. I tell them no, I'm just a freak who inhales my food.

The weather has been amazing lately, no clouds or rain just pure sunshine. My skin color is beginning to blend in more with the locals but my hair is turning blonde. I've also gotten past the adjustment point and began to really relax. I want to stay here as long as I can, I'm happy as long as I have enough money for shelter, food and a surfboard. Tamarindo is probably my best bet to get a job for the high season, and it has everything I need, including a gym which is rare. No basketball courts though. Puerto Viejo had one on the beach but I never saw anyone playing. I've been told if I can just make it to December there will be plenty of businesses looking for help. That's when tourism really picks up.

The surfing was great today, I couldn't stay out too long though because I pulled a muscle or something in my arm and had this shooting pain every time I paddled. I upgraded myself to a short board and did fine, getting up is trickier though and it wants to slice and cut through the wave for quick turns which I have no business trying yet. Soon, hopefully, I get better each time I go out.
The water has become MUCH cooler, really wakes you up when you first get in. The locals tell me it gets cold this time of year and it's only going to get cooler from here on out. No wetsuit needed yet but maybe in the future. Another bad thing regarding the cooler water is the jellyfish. Jellyfish love the cold water and will be arriving here shortly. The girl at the surf shop says yeah you can still surf it's just more painful.
Hopefully not more painful than the thorn branch I landed on after wiping out yesterday. One big thorn went about a half inch into the bottom of my foot and I had to pull it out. Not too pleasant. I was able to catch the next wave though.

My next blog will discuss the beach attire here. It's very cheeky.

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Pura vida.

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