Friday, November 12, 2010

american girls be proud

from my experience of almost a month in costa rica, i've noticed the local tourist hunters try much harder with the european/australian girls than the american ones.
why? they're easier. Apparently, extremely aggressive flirting is acceptable in other parts in the world, but I know for a fact many a Texan girl would not be so welcoming to the advances of a Tico as are some other girls from other countries.
Really it's bizarre to me how a girl can be comfortable with the way some costa rican men flirt with them. But it works. I've seen it many times already. I'll spare you the details.

American girls generally recognize a no good creep when they see/talk to one. I've seen only one exception thus far. And I'm not including all the European or Australian girls when I say this, just several i've gotten to know. They don't want to be mean is the answer I got when I asked "Why?" after they said "I don't like that," referring to an overly aggressive pursuit of a local. Yet they comply.
Some locals that go out at night are high as a kite, from marijuana to cocaine, who knows what else, but their behavior is strange. I went out tonight for the first time in Tamarindo only because two Australian girls as well as a British girl asked me to accompany them to a "girls drink free night" at a local bar, so they would feel protected or something...but after awhile, one joined as the lone foreigner in the wet t-shirt contest(the blonde fair skinned green eyed brit) and the other two found a local drug dealer and an American businessman to associate themselves with, so after I felt like my job was no longer needed, i returned to the hostel.