Thursday, November 11, 2010

giant grasshoppers from outer space

have invaded Tamarindo. I've just seen them tonight. They are 5 to 7 inches long. Huge green, leggy, bug eyed flying grasshoppers. They look fake, something out of a horror movie. But they're not.
They have a tendency to just sit still for minutes at a time and then start flying around wildly usually ending up in someone's face. Their wings on the inside are a bright red which adds to the horror. After taking off they look like a small bird. My friend and I ate at this delicious pizza soda and there were several of these monsters from hell lurking there.
One was particularly aggressive. He flew and landed on this lady's arm and she screamed and brushed him off. Undeterred he launched again right into her face. Remember these things are humongous especially when their wings are spread. I'm glad it wasn't me. Later on this same cricket flew into this man's body while he was sitting trying to enjoy a drink and he completely freaked out. He flailed about wildly as if having a seizure trying to get the beast off of him.

The sight was very humorous for us watching from a distance but I'm glad it wasn't me. I encountered one while leaving though, and as it flew across my path inches from my chest I could feel the wind from it's giant flapping red wings. The one in the picture looks smaller than ones I saw.

The howler monkeys were also out in full force today. There were 3 or 4 I could spot hanging out in the tree over our hostel. They weren't shy about making their presence known by howling extremely loudly. It's hard to describe, just like a loud deep grunt. If there was no one around to see I would have probably climbed up that tree and hung out with them Jane Goodall style.
I've already gotten to hold three at a time, though they were tame semi-domesticated rescue monkeys. It's amazing how such relatively small creatures can be so strong. Their tales especially. They use it to grab a hold around whatever limb or body they need to get a grip on you. I'm sure they could mess you up real nasty if you did something to get on their bad side.
Luckily the ones I met in the Puerto Viejo animal refuge were very friendly and curious.

I'd love to post the pics, but my iPhone got stolen right afterwards in a car break-in.
That's a whole different story though.

All this wildlife interaction today took place well inside the town of Tamarindo, among people, buildings, loud music and traffic. I can only imagine what it's like deep in the heart of the protected Costa Rican jungles and rainforests.


  1. Jeff grosssss! That's digusting! I'm pretty sure I would pass out if one of those monsters came any where NEAR me. gag.

  2. I would flip out around those giant grasshoppers yuck!!!

  3. who is "MaxiMum"? thanks for reading my blog but who are you?

  4. Melissa is really freaked out. You know how she loves all of nature, but jumping flying insects missed the love list.Especially steroidal grasshoppers.
    I'm wondering, how do they taste? I'm guessing chicken!?!?
    The info on howler monkeys is crazy. One of the loudest creatures on earth, that is crazy. I've got to hear this. I'm guessing that Jackie's howling doesn't really compete.
    We love the blog, keep it coming. Keep sharing. Great writing!

  5. Hey, about the howler monkeys, can you imagine being a Spanish Explorer at night, not knowing what kind of enormous beast is making this giant sound? The visions that could go through your head, especially in the era that believed in giant sea monsters.

  6. I can imagine being an American explorer being awakened at 6 am from their deafening howls.
