Thursday, November 4, 2010

American tourists

I can see why many european and american backpackers avoid american tourist hotspots. They're full of grey haired men and iPad addicted women. They walk into a bar or restaurant and act like they own the place.
They are not as perceptive to the culture it seems, as other people from across the globe.

If a Tica or Tico(costa rican man or woman) asks them "what?" after they say something, the Americans just repeat themselves louder, as if the language barrier will be passed by raising the volume.
I saw one take a remote out of a waiter's hands, saying "give me that" when the waiter was trying to skip the DVD ahead to part where they surfed in Costa Rica. We always think we can do it better.

And they can be impatient. As a former waiter, I know this all to well. Costa Rica has a different mindset, you'll get your food or your drink, it will be good, but it takes time. Some Americans have a problem with this. People here just live life at a slower pace thats all. The other day it took over 30 minutes for me to get a cheeseburger.
Fine. It was delicious. Better than the one at the American couple's restaurant that took 5 minutes.

Finally, what's up with the hawaiin shirts and goofy hats? No matter where you go, even in the states, we like our fanny packs and dumb hats apparently. No exception here.

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