Wednesday, December 1, 2010

scorpion encounter

so as I was just sitting here on my bed about to make a blog about the howler monkeys that visited the trees in my complex today, a big scorpion turns the corner out of the bathroom and starts walking along the wall by the bed. He hid behind a water bottle and I grabbed a can of Raid.
I give him a thorough dousing and he didn't move for a few seconds then scurried a few more inches before he was swimming in Raid.
Apparently Raid for cockroaches works on scorpions too. In Texas I had only seen one scorpion alive ever, so this was a bit of a surprise. I have no idea how he got in, all the windows are shut and they all have screens anyway. The only thing I can think of is the drain in the shower, it's just an open pipe a couple inches wide!
Good thing I wasn't in there taking a shower like I thought about. 
I don't really know anything about scorpions or how aggressive they are or what their sting does to you but don't want to find out the hard way. 

here's  a picture I found on the internet of someone else holding one from costa rica:

1 comment:

  1. Nope! No no no no no. I would not be okay with that coming out of my shower! That made me cringe just thinking about. Better watch your toes!
    I still wanna hear about those Howler monkeys at some point.
