Tuesday, December 7, 2010

mucho frio!

it's so coooooold here in San Jose valley! 60 degrees right now and a strong breeze. My group came from the hot beach wearing flip flops, t shirts, shorts, and beach jewelry. I'm sure we looked ridiculous walking around the DMV of Costa Rica. They were getting their driver licenses. Huge line. I took a cab to my hostel. All the locals had on winter attire, jackets, boots, scarfs.

I sat upstairs watching the mavs game on my laptop and about froze my hootananny off. I did bring winter clothes with me to Costa Rica, two flannel shirts, some jeans, and a sweater, but left them in Tamarindo of course thinking I wouldn't need them.
When I came to San Jose for the first time, it was warm enough to swim during the day and we had the fan on full blast at night.
The second time, a little cooler that we didn't need the fan, just the windows open to let in a cool breeze.
This third time, the windows will be shut and if the room had a fireplace I would definitely use it.
First time in Costa Rica my teeth have been chattering and my body shivering.
I only brought shorts and short sleeves shirts here. I'll know better next time.

Sare bear comes in tomorrow at 12:46. I arranged for me to ride with the shuttle to pick her up.
Then we will stay one night here in San Jose, after that get the heck out of here and head back home to the hot humid beach that I'm really missing right now!

1 comment:

  1. And you thought you wouldn't be getting cold in Costa Rica! It's been getting down into the 30's here at night lately, so 60 doesn't sound too bad.
    Please let us know that Sarah has arrived safely.
